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1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993

1993 and After

DCS200 & SuperBowl XXVII

The launch of the new DCS 200 Camera, the first with an internal hard drive, was going to be close to the playing of the SuperBowl that January of 1993. A number of high profile sports photographers were loaned DCS 200 cameras to use to photograph the game between the Buffalo Bills and the Dallas Cowboys, digitally, for the first time.

The game was played in Dallas, and the east coast print deadline was going to be very near the end of the game. This would allow them to upload photos taken of the game to the news outlets for publication in the morning papers. I spent quite some time working a couple of the photos over, taking a few days to try and reduce the color noise and get a decent print. Blue noise was a real problem because blue response was very low to begin with on those first cameras.

  • 1993-1995 - Digital Printer Specialist for Marketing Technical Support
    • Among the First Artists Recognized as an Adobe Digital Master - 1993
    • Digital Artwork Appears in Adobe Photoshop 3.0 CDROM Digital Master's Gallery - 1993
    • Artwork "Photoflo" in Digital Master's Show at the Ansel Adams Gallery in San Francisco * 1994
    • Supporting Trade Shows
    • Conducted Photo Workshops
    • Sample Print Images
    • Established Systems Testing Lab for MTS
    • Worked with Product Development
    • Worked to Solve the Most Difficult Customer Digital System Issues
  • 1995 - 2001 Founded Digital Products Interoperability Lab
    • Provided Basic Digital Imaging Training to Thousands Internally
    • Designed and Implemented Dial-up BBS w/GUI for Tech Support
    • Proposed Digital Document Repository with Faxback Capability.
    • Led Reorgianization of D&AI Support to 3 Level System
    • Worked with Product Development
    • Received Golden Spike Award for Contributions to Digital Photography Development
  • 1998-2001 Consulting for Dynamic Imaging
    • Guided Conversion from FIlm to Digital 3D Capture
    • Introduced Better Methods of 3D Capture
    • Introduced 3D Modeling/Rendering as 3D Image Creation Technique
    • Created 3D Models and Artwork for Numerous Clients
    • Clients included Pepsi, Reebok, Pfizer, Purina, Martell Liquor, FAO Schwartz, & Disney
    • Authored and Illustrated Chapter on Digital Imaging for "Basic Photographic: Materials and Sciences".

    In 2001, Dynamic Imaging was closed. I decided to take a buyout from Kodak as I saw future prospects there bleak. Symptoms from an autoimmune disease also made working full time no longer possible.

    That summer, I, along with two others founded Zaxys Depth & Motion Imaging, a 3D lenticular design company. We were hoping to capture Kodak's former customers. Our first week of business, 911 happened, and ad opportunities dried up almost immediately, nobody was buying any risky mediums like lenticular. My partners left for other opportunites, I was close to signing some big contracts, but then the recession hit. So, in 2010 I closed the corporation. I decided at that point that I would primarily pursue the fine art path forward and not put much effort in gaining commercial 3D work. In 2012 I founded Peter J Sucy Digital Arts and began showing more frequently at galleries in Rochester. I was encouraged to join the local contemporary art group, the Arena Art Group. The membership voted me in in 2016, and now I'm the technical advisor on the steering committee. Using my 3d tools I've built a number of virtual galleries, including one for the art group.

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
welcome photography 3d lenticular art desk designs products digital history links

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Peter J. Sucy
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