By early 1985, I finally had an offer of a new position. The advanced development group of Consumer Electronics needed a color printing expert, however QA was holding up my transfer. Apparently, I was so valuble to the B shift team they couldn't find a replacement. It was nearly nine months before I would be allowed to transfer
In the meantime, I thought I had an excellent solution to the colossal waste of labor and paper in the lab. I wrote a suggeston to put Mac computers on all the technicians' desks, integrate the test equipment to output to the Macs, connect the Macs using an Appletalk network and then connect the lab to the computer network in the engineering area. This would allow reports to be filled out automatically by test equipment and reports could be written using MacWrite templates and sent electronically to the engineering department. It was a great idea, however, my supervisor rejected it. I discovered later, that immediately upon the two year date when suggestions expire, my former group leader re-submitted my proposal, it was approved and received a very nice suggestion reward. It wasn't the first time this had happened, nor the last. Probably one of the reasons change at Kodak was so slow!