It's been about six months since my last newsletter, so I guess it's about time I got around to putting out a new one. It's been a hectic year and I'll try to fill you in a bit on what's been going on here at the studio. There's quite a bit of exciting news to share, so let's get started.
The New Studio
The studio is complete, I started moving my stuff in after Christmas last year. The studio was pretty much operational by the end of February. What a difference it's made in my ability to do my work! Lot's of working space, three different flat surface heights, storage bin cubbies under the countertops, framed print storage below that, scanning table, work island (would like to eventually double it), a computer area and even a library space.
Work flow has been improved greatly. As a result, I've been able to accomplish quite a bit this year, including producing work for a couple of shows over the past year. Another set of flat files would eliminate some of the reconfiguring I still have to do when printing, laminating and mounting. I need five separate stations for the process, a roll sheet cutting station (transparency material only comes in rolls), a printing station (up on extra high 42" countertops), a light table & overhead 45° mirror station for aligning, a laminating station for the roll laminator, and a cutting board for trimming the lenticular sheets to fit the frames. Except the printer. all need to be on 36" high work surfaces.
I still haven't built my reclining desk, but hope to in the coming year, though I'm not sure where I'll put it. Currently, the desk project is on hold until I can fund it. Right now. supplies are the first order of business.
LED Backlit Display Progress

The first ten production acrylic displays were completed in February. They turned out fabulous, thanks to Chuck and Jeff at Faro Industries. Six of my 3D Lenticular Transparencies are mounted in the new displays. and are currently hanging at the Artisan Direct Rochester Art Space. I still need a few more LED panels complete the rest.
They've been well received at the openings first at the Arts for Greater Rochester Design Showcase and at the premiere of the Artisan Direct.
I'm looking into the possibility of having the edition pieces engraved with the pieces title, edition number and my signature with white or gold fill. I think that would be a nice classy touch
These displays are not just for 3D lenticular transparencies, they work with any transparency. Photographers consider this a new way to improve your visibility at shows. A backlit piece can be seen from a good distance.
I've done the design work and have a manufacturer, if you'd like to present your work in a new light, contact me. I can reproduce the two sizes I currently use (14" x 20" & 20" x 10") or can create a custom sized display just for you, in your choice of materials. I used solid surface countertop which was pretty pricey, but hardwood could be used instead, painted or stained.
New Partnership
I've gained a new friend and partner in my artist representative, Jayson. Based here in Rochester, his firm, Artisan Direct, represents and provides services to thousands of artists worldwide. Services including a dedicated web page on his site Artisan Direct, lease space in major art shows around the country, ads in publications which he produces and which are distributed at art shows or mailed to his extensive list of art resources, email newsletters & ads and so much more.
Jay has taken a great interest in my art and has been actively promoting it. He has my work featured on a number of his websites, featuring me in the opening of the gallery, put profiles of me in his publications and is taking me to a number of major art shows in the coming months, San Diego, Miami, ArtExpo and next summer, the Hamptons.
Jay was very intrigued with the business opportunities presented by lenticular imaging and suggested we work together to find a way to make some money with it. We came up with the idea of offering a 2D to 3D image conversion and lenticular printing service to artists and photographers. With his large network of artists and photographers and communication services it seemed a natural fit. We are launching the service next month with the first mailing to his list. Jay already has some interested artist lined up.
The conversion process uses Imagiam's Lenticular Effects software to transform a 2D photo into a very realistic 3D representation. Utilizing grayscale depth mapping technology, objects will have roundness and even relief, unlike most conversions. A simple black to white gradient can turn a single Photoshop layer into depth that goes from foreground to background, great for ground planes. Bumps on objects can even appear to have depth.
Conversions run from $250-$500+, depending on how much work to create the layers is required, the detail of the cutting & cloning, number of depth maps that need to be created, etc. I quote upfront, before any work begins.
We are working with a local printer to provide 3D printing services, once I convert, render and interlace the files. Prices start at just $99 for a 12" x 18" lenticular print. Here's a link to the page on the 3D Wizardry site: 2D to 3D Image Conversion Service
Providing 3D lenticular products to Jayson's artists, such as postcards, business cards, posters, etc., is something we are also exploring.
This is just the first market we plan to exploit and we are already looking for the next one we will tackle.
Washington State/Vancouver Island Trip
Hurrican Ridge, Olympic National Park - 2014
Sandy and I recently spent a bit over a week on vacation, split between Washington State and Victoria, BC. It was my first visit to the Northwest. We flew into Seatac and spent three days site seeing in Washington, before taking the ferry from Port Angles to Victoria. We stayed five days in Victoria, enjoyed the dining around the condo, site seeing around Vancouver Island, visited Butchart Gardens, the Butterfly Gardens and the Raptor Rescue. However, we wish we had spent more time in Washington State, the landscape was fantastic! I feel I made some great new photos.
Still, in the w and half days we spent in Washington, we saw the Cascades, (on the way the site of the Oso mudslide), drove through the worst forest fire in Washington history, climbed part of the way up Mount Ranier, and saw some of the Olympic Peninsula. Thanks to Sandy for her patience while we took on a whirlwind tour of a vast area. Definitely a place I want to travel to again, but with way more time to explore.
Prints of these images and more are available to purchase from my online Print & Framing Shop. Just click on an artwork, then select from canvas, paper print, metal print, acrylic print or greeting cards. If you select a framed print, then you can choose from six different papers, single or double mat, mat color, and mat border width. Next, select a frame from the hundreds to choose from. While you are making these selections, the app updates the itemized price list and provides a you with a preview of what the final framed piece will look like. Shopping for framed art was never so easy, save the decision on which one to buy.
Check it out here: Peter J. Sucy Digital Arts Print and Frame Shop.
1st Annual Rochester Art Fair - Aug 5th, 6th, & 7th, 2014
In order to gain greater exposure for the new gallery, Jay is hosting the First Annual Rochester Art Show and Fair. As you can see, there is music, demonstrations, and libations! It is free and open to the public, so I hope you'll consider dropping in one of those days. Guaranteed, you won't find more fine art under one roof anywhere in Upstate NY. And Artisan Works is right next door. I plan to be there all three days, to answer questions, meet people and have fun. Stop in and say hi!